Talent Vs Skills

4 World Titles (3 Billiards and 1 Snooker) and 2 Asian Billiards Titles to his credit. –Pankaj Advani at the age of 23

Youngest woman ever to become a chess grandmaster which she achieved in 15 years, 1 month, 27 daysKoneru Humpy at the age of 21

Ever wondered what is common between the two apart from them being Indians and sports people.

Yes, you guessed it right – They are young achievers, demonstrating to each one of us in this world that success sees no age.

But guess what they have something more common than just being young achievers. They both have exceptionally extraordinarily talent and perhaps that’s the reason why there is only one Pankaj Advani and one Koneru Humpy in the world.

Talent is something which you are born with while skills can be acquired by working on them over a period of time.

So, how do we define a leader?

Some one who inspires people around him/her; some one who is worth emulating.

And that is why leadership demands skill not talent.

Every one of us can and in fact is a leader in his/her own right. You don’t need to adorn a fancy designation or title to be one. You can be starter in a company and still be a leader.

All you need is not to do things which you will be embarrassed of if they happen to publish in tomorrow’s newspaper. All you need to do is be a person whose audio is in sync with his video.

I wish all of you a very best of luck to be a leader in your organization, family and friends I challenge you to impact the lives of the people around you positively by being the one, people around you want to emulate. Believe me it sometime will be a lonely job at times not because very few people can do it but because very few do it. But then we need more leaders - to lead us in a better world.

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